Monday, December 05, 2005

Pyramid found in Europe?

Archeologist Semir Osmanagic says he may have found a pyramid in Bosnia, Europe. Semir learned of the hill from Senad Hodovic, director of a local museum near the pyramid. Once Semir had a look he decided to get a permit to research the hill.

Semir Osmanagic,
"We have already dug out stone blocks which I believe are covering the pyramid," he said. "We found a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels. You don't have to be an expert to realize what this is.".
"We found layers of what we call 'bad concrete,' a definitely unnatural mixture of gravel once used to form blocks with which this hill was covered,".
The tunnels are said to be several kilometres in length. Evidence has also been found to suggest that slabs of stone used to make the entrance plateau have been cut by human hands.


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