Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Discovery shuttle takes off for the ISS

The space shuttle Discovery was launched from the Kennedy Space Center around half past six(GMT)today. It was the second space shuttle launch since the Columbia disaster in February 2003 in which all of it's crew died.

The launch was recently delayed due to bad weather from thunderstorms. There was orders to delay the launch further for safety reasons but NASA officials said the shuttle was safe.

The shuttle took off from the launch pad leaving Earth towards the International Space Station(ISS)to test safety equipment.

NASA officials said there was debris falling of two minutes into the launch but they were not large enough to damage the shuttle.

Once in space Discovery will test new safety systems built onto the shuttle. The crew of seven will also test a new 15m-long robot arm to inspect the shuttles underside.

The space shuttle Columbia exploded in February 2003 after foam punctured the shuttle's wing.

NASA has said the space shuttle program would cease to exist in 2010.


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