Sunday, December 25, 2005

Bin Laden's niece says she wants to be accepted

The niece of the worlds most infamous terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, has spoken out saying she wants to be accpeted by the American people. Speaking to fashion magazine GQ, Wafah Dufour told the magazine she is constantly being harrassed by the media because of her connection with Osama Bin Laden, even though she has never met him. The American born musician has also received death threats which have sent her into a bout of depression. Dufour grew up in Santa Monica where her parents studied at the University of Southern California.

Not that I need to tell you what the 9/11 attacks were but there is the slight chance that someone reading this has been living in a cave without contact to the rest of the world. So for that person who is still reading: The 9/11 attacks were a series of suicide attacks in which members of the terrorist group Al Qaeda hijacked four U.S commercial airplanes, two of which were used to bring down the World Trade Center in New York City killing over 2,000 people, while the third crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crash-landed in a rural field following passenger resistance.


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