Monday, February 06, 2006

One cent per email

Email companies AOL and Yahoo will be offering a new service to companies, businesses, and organisations that will have their emails being sent to and from them charged one cent per email. The two email companies hope this will discourage spam groups from sending email as it would cost them money to send their emails. Many companies have spent billions on getting rid of spam email in the last year and it is hoped this new service will cut costs.

When someone sends an email to one of these companies those who have paid the one cent fee will have a authentication stamp on it to tell the company that its not from a spammer.
The service will be introduced in the next few months and organisations like the American Red Cross have already signed up.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Embassy in Beirut torched

Protests at the publishment of cartoons by European newspapers showing Prophet Muhammad ended in violence at the Danish embassy in Beirut. The embassy was torched when clashes broke out with the security forces protecting the building.

The cartoons showed the prophet wearing a bomb-shaped turban causing outrage in the Muslim community. The cartoons were published by a Danish newspaper on the 30th of September which led the Muslim ambassadors to complain to Danish PMs. The newspaper apologised but German, French, Italian, and Spanish newspapers reprinted the cartoons claiming they were defending freedom of expression leading to the attack on the embassy.

No confirmed injuries or deaths have been reported and the building was unoccupied at the time.

God asked to give up his drivers license

Paul Sewell, a bond enforcement agent, was told by the Pennsylvania Transport Deparment he must give his drivers license up if he does not provide them with his proper name. Mr.Sewell signed his drivers license with "God Sewell" which does not meet with the Pennsylvania state law that requires a person to sign their real name on their license.

The bond enforcement agent said he chose the nickname as anytime he came to arrest someone they usually say,"Oh, God, give me another chance. Oh, God, let me go. I'll turn myself in tomorrow.".

He also said he has a credit card with, "God Sewell" and says he doesn't know why the Pennsylvania transport department are asking him to change it when he's had it the same way since he was sixteen.