Saturday, June 14, 2008

Irish voters reject Lisbon Treaty

Voters in Ireland have rejected the Lisbon Treaty with the final results, 53.4% against and 46.6% in favor. All of the main political parties were in favor with Sinn Fein being the only party against it. The result has dealt a major blow for the EU as the treaty cannot legally be ratified by the remaining twelve countries that have not yet ratified it yet.

The yes side consisting of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, and the Labor Party had been campaigning for a yes vote with the Fianna Fail leader Brian Cowen insisting that key areas sensitive to the Irish people such as neutrality, taxation, and abortion remained firmly in Irish control.

However in the end the no side won which included wide ranging organizations such as anti-abortion groups, and the most notable group Libertas, headed by millionaire Declan Ganley, who has come under critisism over where the group was getting its funding.

The main reasons for the no side were the loss of a commisioner for every five years, fears that abortion and immigration would be forced onto the country, and taxation.

The EU leaders will be meeting next week in what has been called a crisis meeting to see how the EU should proceed.


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