Sunday, March 05, 2006

Iran's nuclear ambitions

Speaking to a news conference in Tehran, Iranian nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, has told press Iran will continue with uranium enrichment if Iran's nuclear dossier is referred to the UN security council. The United States president, George Bush, believes that Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons, but Iran says it's for civilian energy. The warning comes before a UN nuclear watchdog meets in Vienna.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I spy with my little eye...

I spy with my little eye...

With terrorism everywhere nowadays, US scientists are constantly thinking up ways of increasing defense in America. One idea that is currently being tested is using sharks (yes I said sharks!) to spy on potential enemy vessels entering US waters. A team of scientists at Pentagon are fitting implants into the brains of Blue Sharks to control their movements. The sharks will be released into the ocean off the coast of Florida where the implants will be tested by using sonar signals to control the sharks.