Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Boy dead over video games

Fifteen year old boy dead over video games in Japan.

Two brothers, one fifteen the other thirteen, got into a fight in Nagasaki over video games which ended in the death of the fifteen year old boy. So far the story goes that the older brother told the younger brother to clean up his games. Apparently the younger brother got angry and attacked him, kicking his torso and head. When authorities were called the mother said her older son was unconscious

The younger brother hasn't been charged yet but if he was he would most likely be tried as a juvenile.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Anyone order 40,000 suicide bombers?

Iranian officials have told press there is around 40,000 suicide bombers ready to attack British and American "sensitive points".

The 40,000 strong force has been dubbed the Special Unit of Martyr Seekers in the Revolutionary Guards. The bombers were seen last month during a military march wearing olive-green uniforms with explosive packs around their waists.

During a speech, Dr. Hassan Abbasi, head of the Centre for Doctrinal Strategic Studies in the Revolutionary Guards told onlookers that twenty-nine Amercian and British sensitive points had been identified.

The force would be put into action if nuclear facilites in Iran were attack by American or British forces. Recruiting stations for the new unit throughout Iran require a person to give their birth certificate, name and address, and whether they would want to attack American targets or Israeli targets.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pope calls for end to Iran nuclear crisis

Pope Beendict XVI called for a negotiated solution to the Iran nuclear crisis during his Easter message in Rome. The Pope said, "May an honourable solution be found for all parties, through honest and serious negotiations,".

He also asked for peace to, "prevail over the tragic violence that continues mercilessly to claim victims in Iraq".

Around 100,000 people gathered to hear the Pope's message in St Peter's square.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Digging begun on pyramid in Bosnia

A team of Archeologists led by Semir Osmanagic have begun to dig a pryamid shaped hill in Bosnia to see if there is a pyramid under it. The archeologists have already found tunnels leading to the left and right to smaller pryamid shaped hills which the team thinks could be other smaller pryamid.

The hill, which overlooks the town of Visoko, is called Visocica and measures 650m.

So far the team(which also comprises of rescue workers and geologists) have concluded that the hill isn't a natural formation and the tunnels could only have been man-made.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Three injured on construction site

Scaffolding on a construction site in Milton Keynes has collapsed injuring three workers. The injured workers are currently in hospital with two in a serious condition while the other is said to be stable.

According to investigators the scaffolding collapsed because of strong winds but they are still searching as to what happened. Specialist equipment is being used to search for anyone else that might be trapped under the rubble.

An eye-witness said, "It came down like a pack of cards.".

Two hundred workers were said to be on the site when it collapsed but many of them were on their lunch breaks. A search for anyone else under the rubble is still on-going.